Programming Abbreviation Collection

A collection of programming abbreviations.


Abbreviation Full Name Related Link
ACES Academic Color Encoding System
AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
AWS Amazon Web Service
BSP Binary Space Partition wiki
CB Test Certification Body Test IECEE
CICD Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery Part of Deployment Pipeline; CICD in the Wild
COM Components Object Model
CSO Compiled Shader Object
CTAD Class Template Argument Deduction
DAG Directed Acyclic Graph (graph theory) wiki
DLL Dynamic-Link Library
DMA Direct Memory Access
DVI Digital Visual Interface
DXGI DirectX Graphics Infrastructure
FBX Filmbox (a 3D Asset exchange format) Autodesk
FMAC Floating Multiply-ACcumulate
GART Graphics Address Remapping Table
GDI Windows Graphics Device Interface
GUID Global Unique Identifier; (5 Types: date-time & MAC address; DCE Security; MD5 hash & namespace; random; SHA-1 hash & namespace) quick guide; msdn; guid
HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface
HDR High Dynamic Range HDR vs SDR
IOMMU Input-Output Memory Management Unit Refer to Picture 1
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service e.g. AWS
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MBPS megabit per second
MIPS millions of instructions per second
PCH Platform Controller Hub
PCIE Peripheral Component Interconnect Express Refer to Picture 2
PaaS Platform as a Service e.g. Google App Engine
RPC Remote Procedure Call wiki
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
SDR Software-Defined Radio (v.s. HDR)
SoC System-on-a-Chip
SWD Serial Wire Debug An electrical interface
TBB Threading Building Blocks (Intel)
TD Test Data
TLS Transport Layer Security wiki; IETF
UMD User-Mode Graphics Driver
VGA Video Graphics Array connector (15-pin)
WDDM Windows Display Driver Model design guide; workflow
WRL Windows Runtime Library WRL; WinRT
XFB Binary Device Interface File Format Header AXway File Broker

Useful Tools

Common “Slang” in Computer Graphics

  • AO: Ambient Occlusion (A shading and rendering technique used to calculate how exposed each point in a scene is to ambient lighting.)
  • AZDO: Approaching Zero Driver Overhead; OpenGL Efficiency
    • BSDF: Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function
    • BRDF: Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
    • BTDF: Bidirectional Transmittance Distribution Function
    • Incident Light Beam => Specular Reflection + Specular Transmition + BSDF
  • BSP: Binary Space Partitioning (A spatical data structure)
  • BVH: Bounding Volume Hierarchy
  • CSG: Constructive Solid Geometry
  • DXR: DirectX Raytracing (A feature of Microsoft’s DirectX that allows for HW real-time raytracing). Announcement.
  • GDDR: Graphics Double Data Rate
  • GI: Global Illumination
  • GPGPU: General Purpose computing on GPUs.
    Performs non-specialized calculations which are typically be conducted by the CPU. Started from NVIDIA GeForce 3, CUDA allowed programmers to ignore the underlying graphical concepts in favor of more common high-performance computing concepts. Microsoft’s DirectCompute and Apple/Khronos Group’s OpenCL followed up later, which means that modern GPGPU pipelines can leverage the speed of a GPU without requiring full and explicit conversion of the data to a graphical form.
  • GTI: Graphics Technology Interface.
  • Mip: Multim in Parvo (Latin)(i.e. much in a small space)
  • PBR: Physically Based Rendering (A rendering modes opposite to Classic mode)
  • TBR/TBDR: Tiled Based Deferrd Architecture, The tech used to balance GPU power & performance on mobiles.
  • TCB control: tension, continuity and bias control. A technique to tweak the shape of the curve.
  • TIN: Triangular Irregular Network
  • TLB: Translation Lookaside Buffer
  • UV Mapping: Suface Parameterization/Texture Coordinate Fundation
  • VFX: Visual Effects, including:
    • Special effects
      • Phsical effects
    • Digital effects (short to FX or digital FX)
      • Matte paintings and stills
      • Motion capture (Mo-Cap)
      • Modelling
      • Animation
      • Compositing
      • Simulation

Appending Picture



PCI Express

PCI Express